Home > Quizzes > Workforce planning Quiz Workforce planning Workforce planning Do you have the people, skills, and roles needed to deliver on your mission? Take the quiz Step 1 of 11 9% My organization has a documented workforce strategy.* Yes No Employees in my organization clearly understand what mission success looks like.* Yes No My organization is efficient at filling vacancies.* Yes No My organization routinely hires top talent where it’s most needed.* Yes No Employees at my organization understand how to progress in their careers.* Yes No My organization gets employees into new roles quickly and seamlessly when roles open.* Yes No My organization has defined metrics to track employee performance.* Yes No Employees have the training they need to adapt to the future of work.* Yes No My organization anticipates and can efficiently staff fluctuating workload needs.* Yes No My organization makes workforce decisions using quantifiable data.* Yes No Quiz complete! Submit your email to see your results instantly.Email* Optin Subscribe for the latest news and updates from Eagle Hill NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.