Lori Weinstein
Vanderbilt University
What energizes me the most
Music! A song can change your entire mood.
My favorite getaway spot
Sanibel Island. My family has been going since I was little, and though we are in different stages in life, we still have our little spot to feel like we did when we were young. I love that!
Something most people might not know
I climbed Mt. Fuji in Japan in 2017. It was challenging, but one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done. I have my sights on Kilimanjaro next!
The most valuable piece of advice I’ve ever received
“Don’t take yourself too seriously.”
What “Breaking away from the expected” means to me
Bringing a team from different career backgrounds with unique ideas to help solve a client problem and steering away from the in-the-box solutions. Those new ideas and personal connections with clients set us apart.