Min Kim
Carnegie Mellon University
My personal BHAG (big hairy audacious goal)
I want to become an expert in SOMETHING and go on to teach higher education when I retire.
What “breaking away from the expected” means to me
Not being afraid of analyzing the “original plan” each step of the way and suggesting other solutions to our clients that consider newfound information.
My most significant role model
My older brother! He and I are very different people, and he always brings in perspectives that I would never consider, which helps me to be the best person I can be.
My hobby
I love playing online PC games. It’s fun to play games with my friends, and it helps us to stay connected, especially if we live far away from each other.
My theme song
Porter Robinson & Madeon – Shelter
What energizes me the most
It always makes me feel like I can keep going when I hear feedback from our clients about how helpful our work is and how critical our role is to their success.