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Insights from our work

Helping our clients stay ahead of the curve is a big part of what we do. That’s why we’ve developed a library of resources to keep you informed about the latest industry challenges and emerging trends.


Our latest research & thinking

We are an organization centered on people solving complex business problems across industries, in ways that deliver value above expectations.


Understanding government employee burnout

Eagle Hill’s survey of government employees provides agencies with deeper understanding of government employee burnout causes and remedies.


The state of worker burnout: 2024

Eagle Hill’s survey of U.S. employees surfaces insights into the drivers, organizational impacts, and remedies for alleviating worker burnout.


Women are back on the job, but chronic obstacles remain

By Melissa Jezior

As women return to work, new research found that women workers still face chronic workplace challenges, from burnout to lack of opportunity. How can organizations help their female employees overcome these hurdles?


How to talk about burnout: Three tips for constructive conversations with your team

By Melissa Jezior

With employee burnout levels remaining steady, it's important employees and employers know how to have constructive conversations about burnout with their team. We share three tips on how to get a dialogue started around burnout to drive change.


The employee turnover tsunami is coming

An employee turnover tsunami is expected once the pandemic ends, where new workforce planning strategies are needed to support revised business models.