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Insights from our work

Helping our clients stay ahead of the curve is a big part of what we do. That’s why we’ve developed a library of resources to keep you informed about the latest industry challenges and emerging trends.


Our latest research & thinking

We are an organization centered on people solving complex business problems across industries, in ways that deliver value above expectations.


Agile Project Management: 6 strategies for success

Succeed at Agile Project Management; learn 6 strategies that help organizations stay flexible and collaborative, and incorporate customer feedback throughout the project lifecycle.


Project management in highly technical environments: Seeing the forest through the trees

Projects in highly technical environments are often made up of individuals who have specialized skills and competencies, but this group may find their projects derailing. Explore three ways to keep projects on track in highly technical environments.


Managing your mobile workforce when teleworkers return

The best telework programs don’t just help employees work from home; they also offer the right environments when they’re back in the office. See how to lower costs and reduce footprints with higher productivity and employee satisfaction.