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Feel like change is coming your way?

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0:00:00 Start


F:  I think a culture of change is something that a lot of organizations are experiencing right now. Living in a culture and an environment where change is constant, where change is ongoing, and staff are having to adapt to that change on an ongoing basis…

M: Sometimes clients get thrown curve balls.


M: And those curve balls get passed on to us. And we work together with our clients to solve problems that just come up.

M: Consulting is a fast-paced industry. We’re constantly responding to changes. But it’s important for us to be constantly preparing for changes that other companies might not see in order to gain an edge.

F: We practice what we preach. So at the end of the day what we’re selling a lot of times is our change platform. We’re really good at understanding how to do that because it’s something we do internally.


F: A lot of times people forget about the employee experience when they have a big change that they’re going through, whether it’s a technology implementation, or a strategic change. And getting your people on board and getting them though that change really is the key to it being successful.


0:01:22 End
